Today’s guest is Bobby Maximus, who describes himself as a UFC veteran, an @menshealthmag Writer, a @ibjjf World Master Champion and a Keeper of Authenticity. Bobby teaches you to train your mind as well as your body to achieve your goals. Bobby is now a world-renowned strength coach who takes no BS and a devoted father. He has beaten elite competitors in the cage, a life threatening disease and a life of mediocrity. He has achieved so much in life, and is here to help you achieve your goals. 

In this interview, we discuss how to kill the BS that is holding you back, how you can transform and become the person you want to be, by removing the excuses that you cling to, to justify not putting in the work. Bobby will teach you how to achieve your goals by coaching you how to lift you head high, and your middle finger even higher and cut the damn excuses and instead smash your goals every damn day. 



In this interview, we discuss gems like:

  • Who they are
  • How his upbringing his future career and personal transformation
  • How you can connect with them
  • How to start making that transformation, even when you are truly terrified
  • How do we define what ‘fit’ is – how do you know if you can call yourself fit, or how do you go from flabby to fit – what is the finishing line to becoming fit?
  • How the gym teaches you more than just how to build muscle – how you can learn about life by working out in the gym
  • What is self-work and how it can be the key element to hit your goals
  • What does he mean by ‘Killing your Governors’?
  • How do you start to break down the problems holding you back
  • What are ‘Green Light Thoughts’ and how should you use them?
  • Hacks on how to improve your thinking, planning and goal setting
  • How BJJ can make you a better person
  • How to defeating self-imposed limitations
  • How did he get back into the cage after the worst loss in his career, which left him unconscious?
  • How gratitude giving is the life hack that can transform you the quickest
  • How to overcome a negative self-image – you are not your story you tell yourself to stay in the slow lane
  • How to stop comparing yourself to other people – there is only one person that you need to be better than and you just need a mirror to see them
  • How does he start working with a client – what are the must-have and work you need to do along with your self-work
  • How tracking your time will allow you to cut your BS and do the things that truly matter, not try to avoid the real work with garbage excuses
  • What has he noticed that the top performers do that allow they to be the elite performers in their industry
  • How did things change when he became a father
  • How did he keep his positive mind-frame when he was diagnosed with a severe illness
  • What was the inspiration to start his podcast?
  • What does he hope you take from the interview as a key point?


Bobby giving the truth that matters


In this interview, a lot of jewels of self-improvement are discussed. Some of these and their associated thoughts include:

  • Bobby used a harrowing personal experience to transform himself, he used the pain as a motivational source of fuel, to change, to transform, to become the man he wanted to be 
  • Everyone feels nervous and put off trying new things at first, it is how you react to this that can change you as a person – just remember all the experts in the world all started as a shit-scared beginners … so if they can do it, why can’t you? 
  • You can learn more from the negative events than you will from the positive, with negative events and mistakes or failures is an ample learning experience. You only fail when you don’t get back up, when you don’t go again and try again. The only person you should try and beat, is the man you see in the mirror today, try and beat yourself tomorow in some aspect of youself today, be better in any way where possible.
  • Self-work is some of the hardest things to do, to look truthfully at yourself and what is holding you back and dealing with it, and be honest and tackling their demons. Surface level changes will not be enough after a short time, you need to make deep level changes to unlock the next level in your life. 
  • To get motivated about something you need to feel value from it – find the source of motivation for doing it and you’ll find the value from it 
  • Pain drives power – where are sources of pain in your life and how could you use them to motivate yourself?
  • You are the average of the people you hang around with – hang around with poor people and your average will be shit – hang with people who push you to be your best and your average will take you to places you never thought possible
  • Purposeful practice is the only way to overcome negative talk that holds us back
  • Try it! Take a risk and try it! You don’t need an in-depth plan, you don’t need to have it all figured out, you just need to try and do your very best. You will seriously surprise yourself … what is the worst thing that can happen … BUT what COULD happen?! You will only know by giving things a go! 
  • True change comes when you love what you do, when you see true value in what you are getting from the change


These are some key actions that you should undertake after listening to this interview:

  • What are the governors in your life and mind that are holding you back?
  •  What has been something you wanted to do but felt too nervous to try? Start it this week coming if possible.
  • Start your self-work, it’ll be hard to do, but you will love that you did it now and 
  • Start gratitude journaling – 5 things every morning that we are proud of or happy about ourselves, to overcome our negative shit
  • Are you doing things that you THINK you should be doing or are you doing the things you WANT to do – truly look at your activities and see which is which
  • Start now and work on your goals … every damn day!



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About the Author
I’m a podcaster who interviews great examples of people to discuss and highlight the methods, hacks, tips and procedures you can use in your own life to help you develop and better your life. I would definitely not consider myself an expert, so to improve, I ask them and action it in my own life! My personal journey has been marked by awkwardness and awesomeness, OCD and ‘OMG’. I have suffered with depression, shyness, unhappiness and lack of focus and motivation so I know what’s it like to feel lost and hopeless. Back then, I wished I had a podcast to listen to and find actual fixes and concrete action steps and not just unobtainable suggestions and promotion of their products but couldn’t find it … so I made my own!

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