Tips for Men to Balance Work and Personal Life Efficiently?

Tips for Men to Balance Work and Personal Life Efficiently?


person standing near body of water

A guest post by Hassan K

Having a 9-5 job does not leave much room for self-time or family time. The corporate race and the will to become better and richer has become so strong that we often overlook the fact that we are losing connection with our loved ones. You are earning for them, but you are not being with them. Both the quality time with family and your job are equally important, all you need to do is to find an equilibrium between both, for which we are here to help you. Before the time comes that you would have to contact a medical marijuana doctor to help you cope up with stress, here are some tips that you must follow to have a happy balanced life:

Prioritizing Your Time:

Being disorganized is what stresses us the most. Do not try to do everything all once because the reality is that you cannot do anything at all when you try to do everything all at once. Be organized and start by making a to-do list. Prioritized your tasks as per their urgency and how important they are. Being organized is undoubtedly the first step to maintaining a balance between work and personal life.

Do not Bring Office Work to Home:

One of the major reasons behind familial disputes is that men bring their office work home which makes their partners think that they are ignoring them or no more love them. Make it a rule guys, never bring your office work home. Set your working hours and stick to them, otherwise, you will be distanced from your family, unintentionally. Make sure to stay focused and complete your work within the working hours.

Invest in Your Office Space and Tech:

Make sure that your office space is comfortable enough so you can be less stressed and tried. Choose a comfortable chair, as you need to sit on it for at least 8 hours a day. Investing in your office space is more likely to say that you are making an investment for better mental and physical health. Similarly, do not be too hard on yourself and make use of technology that can ease up and fasten your productivity. For example, do not rush from one place to another for a meeting, you can do it on skype or conference calls. 

Working out:

Amid the chaos of work and chores, working out is what helps you stay efficient. You do not necessarily have to join the gym, you can work out on your own. Take out at least 30 min every day do just relax and some exercise that will help you remain focused, motivated and active.

Have a Me-time:

Your whole weak might be fully packed or busy but have at least Sundays to yourself. Do what you enjoy the most. Go for a picnic with family or friends or go play your favorite sport or watch a movie. Having a day to yourself at least a week will help you heal and destress. Leave your phone and just live in the moment. Take this me-time as must-have as you take your 9-5 job. It will increase your productivity and you will be more enthusiastic about the next week. 

Be Realistic:

So, the truth is no matter how hard you try, there are always somethings that you cannot control. If you are not able to do things collectively, stop stressing over it and start doing it one by one. You know your strengths and weaknesses so play according to them. Do the things you are good at first. For the things you cannot, seek help for it or just do not panic try sorting out yourself. 

That is how this world works, you ought to have a job, but you cannot ignore yourself or your family and friends either. Maintaining a balance between two is not at all hard all you need to do is to follow these basic yet helpful tips and stop trying to control everything. It is okay to be imperfect, you will gradually achieve what you are trying for. Set your goals and work for them with consistency and patience just as the saying goes ‘slow and steady wins the race’!


About the Author
I’m a podcaster who interviews great examples of people to discuss and highlight the methods, hacks, tips and procedures you can use in your own life to help you develop and better your life. I would definitely not consider myself an expert, so to improve, I ask them and action it in my own life! My personal journey has been marked by awkwardness and awesomeness, OCD and ‘OMG’. I have suffered with depression, shyness, unhappiness and lack of focus and motivation so I know what’s it like to feel lost and hopeless. Back then, I wished I had a podcast to listen to and find actual fixes and concrete action steps and not just unobtainable suggestions and promotion of their products but couldn’t find it … so I made my own!

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