TODAY's GUEST IS Jordan Syatt !

Today’s guest is Jordan Syatt! 

Jordan is a strength & nutrition coach, who is known for helping people finally reach their fitness goals by helping them discover a healthier approach to training and food, and building an indestructible mindset and belief in his clients. 

He has written for a variety of outlets including CNN, Huffington Post, Men’s Health & Fitness, and more, holds several powerlifting world records, was previously Gary Vaynurchuk’s personal strength & nutrition coach, trains  BJJ, loves ‘Harry Potter’ and holds a 27th degree black belt in chugging coffee. 

If you are enjoying the show, please follow me on social media and subscribe to the podcast, as big things are coming! And now let’s get to the interview! 

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KEY POINTS, Links & Actions

Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on:

  • Jordan wanted to learn how to get in shape, so he went to volunteer somewhere, that would help him learn – how could you find those people who can help you reach your goals and what trades, work etc as a trade off. 
  • To first change, you need to believe you can change. 
  • We all start somewhere. The guy with big muscles, to the guy with 8-pack abs, to the hot girl with the amazing ass and all the others, we all start somewhere. Stop being jealous and comparing yourself to others, start now and work towards your goals. 
  • Stop putting such a focus on how much weight you lost, or how big your muscles are (unless competing in Physique comps!), focus on how it is changing you, are you happier, feeling better about yourself and more confident about yourself and life?  
  • Consistency is much better than perfection, stop over thinking your programs, your exercise solutions etc. Go to the gym, dojo, rink etc and train the exercise that you love or can endure! 
  • A good trainer should speak to you about you as a person, where you struggle, what you want, what things you need help with, and help you learn about yourself, grow and build a strong mindset and sense of belief in yourself as much as in your body. 
  • The coach should ask you what your goals and build a plan for your goals, not what they think you should do, or give to everyone else. Interview your potential trainers like you would do for a job etc, don’t just settle, find one that is right for you. 
  • You need to understand what is a realistic transformation schedule. You won’t see change over-night, but if you take regular photos you will notice a dramatic evolution of your body over a few weeks to months if you put in the work!  
  • Compare yourself to people do the things you want to do, use them as an inspiration, what can be done, and then look to find your path to your goals. Don’t judge someone as better than yourself, use it as motivation and not as a reason to beat yourself up. 
  • Remember, not every fitness article is correct, there is a load of BS out there too! 
  • You don’t need to train perfectly all the time to make a difference, stop being so hard on yourself if you work late and get a burger, have a beer with friends etc. No one is perfect 100% of the time. 
  • Are you hungry, or are you bored or upset? Are you eating for hunger or because you are emotional? 
  • Focus on trying to get better today. Stop worrying about what you did before. Stop worrying about the future. Just focus on what is happening today and trying to be a better man by the end. 
  • No foods are ‘bad’. You can enjoy anything in moderation and a treat. Too much of anything can be a bad thing. 
  • Most ‘scary’ big guys in the gym are great people, who appreciate you for training, know how scary a gym appears, and happy to offer advice, spot for you etc.
  • Your belief in yourself is more important that the training that you do in terms of whether you get fit or not.  
  • Changing your body and yourself, is not a quick thing. You need to sleep better, have a healthier approach to food and make fitness and exercise part of a fun and happy life. Stop living in the office, and go and exercise, but do the things you enjoy and what makes you a better person. 


Key lesson from this interview 

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About the Author
I’m a podcaster who interviews great examples of people to discuss and highlight the methods, hacks, tips and procedures you can use in your own life to help you develop and better your life. I would definitely not consider myself an expert, so to improve, I ask them and action it in my own life! My personal journey has been marked by awkwardness and awesomeness, OCD and ‘OMG’. I have suffered with depression, shyness, unhappiness and lack of focus and motivation so I know what’s it like to feel lost and hopeless. Back then, I wished I had a podcast to listen to and find actual fixes and concrete action steps and not just unobtainable suggestions and promotion of their products but couldn’t find it … so I made my own!

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